Friday, September 10, 2010


Protecting and ensuring our country's sovereignty is an integral part of our Nation's security, a constitutional duty and the fundamental responsibility of the executive branch of the federal government. It should be taken as a matter of course that active control of our borders and points of entry is not optional. Enforcing and protecting our borders should be an active, ongoing, daily process. The enforcement should be clear and unambiguous. As this is written, our president is not fulfilling that responsibility.  We must encourage him to do so. We must insist that he do so.

Treating people humanely is  the American way but ignoring clear violations of our sovereignty should not be the American way. It is not compassionate to ignore such things, because to do so gives some people a false sense of entitlement and a distorted view of the rule of law. It shows no respect to people (citizens or aliens) who are in our country legally. All illegal immigrants (the number is irrelevant, 11 million + or -, the principle is the same ) should be gently returned to the border that they crossed unless they were brought here without their consent , i.e. young children, or there is compelling evidence that such action would bring grievous harm to them.

Organizations, businesses or municipalities knowingly providing employment or sanctuary should be prosecuted for abetting violations of federal law. Private citizens, organizations and non-federal governments should be applauded for trying to help protect and enforce the law of the land. Immigration policy and enforcement is a federal prerogative but doing a poor job is not acceptable. Simply because something is a federal responsibility does not prohibit citizens from assisting in the enforcement of our nation's laws in a humane, responsible and lawful manner. If we are encouraged to report suspicious activities regarding other aspects of national security, why not illegal entry into our country?

The argument for non-enforcement (because to do so would raise the cost of services and food) is a false one. If a lower cost of living is based on selectively ignoring the law, we are living in a false world. How can we expect others to respect us if we ignore our own laws? Assuming prices would rise to reflect the actual cost of legal labor, we would adjust. Life would go on. Let us reaffirm our independence and be a society to be admired again.

Lastly, please don't insult the intelligence of everyone who is concerned about violations of our sovereignty by calling them racist or anti-immigrant. It is ignorant or deliberate lying to suggest that.

Everyone who resides in this country is an immigrant or descended from one, humans are not native to this continent. All that is required is that people be here lawfully.

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